Gravity Cub3d was a project at Stuttgart Media University, that has been developed solely by students from different courses.
I joined the project in third semester as Head of Publishing and wrote bilingual promotion texts, took care of our booth at Media Night, and mainly programmed a website. Content and code are created by myself, and a fellow student helped me with the design.
The website is a gigantic cube that the visitor views from the outside. After a click the user is moved inside of it and may look around. At each side there are information to the game. In order to provide orientation for the user I added a big menu that helps him for his first moves.
Project Setup
- Gulp
- Localization using a yml DB
- Presskit: Automatic creation of a zip with translated PDF files
- Full responsive (Rem-Mediaquery)
- Static apache server
- Jenkins integration
- Creating advertising texts
- Translate (English / German)
- Collect, create and create generel project background information
- Parallel to the game
- In cooperation with Viviana Schaller from Inagawa
- Chrome/FF/Safari/IE11
- IE10 fallback
- Not enough time for mobile optimization missing
Visit website
Please regard: This web site does not work anymore with most browsers.
Because the project and the website is no longer under development, unfortunately I cannot fix bugs any more. For the most stable rendering, please use Firefox. I discourage using other browsers.
You can find the web site here.